简介: Milco成立于1950年,Welform成立于1979年。总部位于美国的汽车摇篮--底特律。是一家60多年专注于焊接技术及焊钳制造的专业化的公司,专业服务于汽车技术行业。其设计与制造的机器人焊接焊钳,人工焊接焊钳及配件处于全球行业领先地位。尤其是在电阻焊设备的设计创新领域居于领先地位,公司在成立之初就与全球主要的汽车造商通用,福特,克莱斯勒就建立了良好的合作伙伴关,并共同成长。 公司经过半个多世纪的发展,已经成为跨越美洲,亚洲和欧洲的跨国集团。2006年在杭州设立代表处,2008年韦孚杭州正式成立,主要负责亚太市场。 公司的执着专注使WELFORM MILCO科技成就了今天的辉煌。 Milco was founded in 1950 and Welform was founded in 1979. Both companies are located in the cradle of auto motor- Detroit. Over 60 years, our company continuously concentrates on welding gun manufacturing and techniques which make us become a professional provider for the auto motor technical industries. Robot welding guns, manual welding guns and other components which designed and manufactured by our company have dominated the world leading place in the auto motor industries. We are especially competitive in the innovation design area for resistance welding guns. For the first few years after company has founded, we had built close business partnership with world famous auto motor such as Ford and Chrysler, meanwhile we has grown up together with them. Our company has grown up to be a multi-national group after almost 50 years development. Our business covers America, Asia and Europe. In 2006, Hangzhou office has been set up and Hangzhou Welform officially founded in 2008 which mainly take care of the Asian business. Our company's success is based on all the employees' hard work, good team work and persistence for the common goal. We continuously strive for providing excellent service to our customers and develop together with our partners.
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